
Nov 14, 2015

Consciousness Manifestation Teaching of Krishna in Gita

This Article examines the Consciousness manifestation teaching of Bhagavan Krishna in Bhagavad Gita. It discusses three important verses of Gita that summarize the principles of three Consciousness manifestation methods namely, Direct Consciousness Discrimination, Expanded Consciousness Meditation and Divine Love Yoga.

Krishna told Arjuna, “Treating alike pleasure and pain, gain and loss, and victory and defeat, be prepared for the battle so that you’ll not incur sin” (BG 2-38).

Our body differentiates pleasure and pain, our mind differentiates gain and loss, and our heart differentiates victory and defeat or more generically, fulfilment and non-fulfilment. Our Consciousness experiences this duality when It is in merger with our body, mind and heart. From the duality experience of our Consciousness arise our desires, thoughts and words of Negativity.

We understand from this verse that when our Consciousness is freed from this duality experience, It is also freed from sin or Negative Energy. This is the fundamental principle behind the Consciousness manifestation method called Direct Consciousness Discrimination.

Non-discrimination of our Consciousness from our body, mind and heart is the primary reason why our desires, thoughts and words of Negativity are generated.

Krishna told Arjuna, “Actions are performed in all ways by the constituents of Insentience. One whose mind is deluded by the ego principle, thinks that one is the doer” (BG 3-27).

Our desires arise from our heart, our thoughts arise from our mind and our actions arise from our body. Our Self, an Entity residing in our Consciousness from which our I-ness or I-sense arises, is a silent witness of these functions of our heart, mind and body. Our heart, mind and body are the tools of our Self - they desire, think and act. Our Self doesn’t do anything.

But when our Self identifies Itself with our heart, mind and body, our Self experiences doership. We don’t perceive that our heart desires its desires but that we ourselves desire our desires. We don’t perceive that our mind thinks its thoughts but that we ourselves think our thoughts. We don’t perceive that our body speaks its words but that we ourselves speak our words.

This wrong perception of doership of our Self is the secondary reason why our desires, thoughts and words of Negativity are generated as it leads to the duality experience of our Consciousness, which is the primary reason why our desires, thoughts and words of Negativity are generated.

From this verse we understand that as long as our Consciousness is confined to the physical boundary of our body by means of ego-principle, our Self cannot get rid of its doership. As our heart, mind and body are sentient only in the presence of Consciousness of our Self, they are categorized under the evolutes of Insentience by Krishna in this verse. As a corollary we understand that our Self will get rid of its doership when we meditate on our ego-annihilated Consciousness that extends beyond the physical boundary of our body. This is the fundamental principle behind the Consciousness manifestation method called Expanded Consciousness Meditation.

Krishna told Arjuna, “Having spiritually renounced all prescribed duties completely, take refuge in Me exclusively; I shall get you freed from all your sins – don’t worry” (BG 18-66).

The heart, mind and body of all sentient living beings of this material universe are connected by an all-pervading subtle Field of spiritual universe called the universal Source. As we are not able to perceive this connecting Field, we think that they are not connected. This wrong perception of our individuation leads to the wrong perception of doership of our Self as well as to the duality experience of our Consciousness, and hence it is the root cause why our desires, thoughts and words of Negativity are generated.

When we merge our expanded Consciousness with all-pervading universal Consciousness, we’ll experience the connecting Field of universal Source, leading to the elimination of our Negative Energy.

Our Consciousness can be merged with all-pervading universal Consciousness only after It is expanded beyond the physical boundary of our body.  And our Consciousness can be expanded only after It is discriminated against our body, mind and heart. When our Consciousness renounces the duality experience and our Self renounces the doership, we are deemed to have spiritually renounced all our actions. To take refuge in God is to merge our Consciousness with all-pervading universal Consciousness.

Therefore, this verse simply states that when our Consciousness is, after discriminated and expanded, merged with all-pervading universal Consciousness, our Negative Energy is completely eliminated. This is the fundamental principle behind the Consciousness manifestation method called Divine Love Yoga. This verse also carries the essence of teachings of Krishna in Gita.

I have explained, in adequate detail, Consciousness Manifestation Methods of Direct Consciousness DiscriminationExpanded Consciousness Meditation and Divine Love Yoga, in addition to 
the Traditional Manifestation Methods of Visualization, Affirmation and Feeling, in my book SECRETS OF MANIFESTATION.

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