
Nov 7, 2015

Myths and Facts of Manifestation

Manifestation of our desires in our physical reality using body-mind-heart based traditional manifestation methods like Affirmation, Feeling and Visualization has been widely discussed in the Western spiritual literature for about a century. But since many authors of this literature were not spiritually enlightened, they have either exaggerated or oversimplified the principles behind manifestation, leading to the development of many myths regarding this process among the readers of this literature. This Article examines five such common myths and presents the corresponding facts from spiritual perspective. 

Myth: I can manifest anything I want in this planet. I have absolute freedom. I am not the Prime Minister of India but a homeless beggar sleeping on the platform of a New Delhi road because I chose to be the latter and did not choose to be the former.

Fact: Theoretically yes but practically no. The whole material universe has been created by the universal Consciousness of God. And that universal Consciousness is residing within each and every person living in this world. Therefore, in theory, we can manifest anything we desire in our physical reality. However, to manifest an apparently improbable desire we need to have three traits - passion, faith and perseverance. It is less likely for a homeless beggar to develop passion, faith and perseverance to become the head of a State.

Myth: My karma allotted for my present birth determine what I can experience and what I cannot. So, I cannot manifest anything my karma do not permit me to. I wanted to become a rich business man but ended up as a worker in a small workshop for a paltry monthly salary due to my karma.

Fact: There is absolutely no need for you to experience ALL your karma allotted for your present birth. Using Traditional Manifestation Methods like Visualization, Affirmation and Feeling supplemented by Consciousness Manifestation Methods like Direct Consciousness Discrimination, Expanded Consciousness Meditation and Divine Love Yoga, you can beat your karma to manifest your particular desire in your physical reality.

Myth: All non-physical manifestation efforts using Traditional Manifestation Methods like Visualization, Affirmation and Feeling and/or Consciousness Manifestation Methods like Direct Consciousness Discrimination, Expanded Consciousness Meditation and Divine Love Yoga are useless exercises like building castles in the air - they have absolutely no role to play in the development of physical events and circumstances that happen in one’s life. Thus, if my relationship with my spouse is strained, my manifestation efforts won’t be of any use in repairing my relationship.

Fact: Wrong. Completely wrong. The material universe we see is pervaded by the universal Consciousness of the spiritual universe. Our brain and eyes are so dull and insensitive that we are not able to perceive this universal Consciousness. A spiritually enlightened person can actually perceive this subtle universal Consciousness all over this material universe using her sensitized brain and eyes. She perceives It as a Field pervading this entire material universe.

Our serious passionate emotional desires, thoughts and words have a creative potential. The universal Consciousness, that is pervading this entire material universe, brings towards us persons, things, events and circumstances in our life consistent with our desires, thoughts and words. As we desire, think and talk, we set the spiritual universe in motion that realigns the material universe in relation to us. For example, when we crave for relationship positively and when we think about relationship positively and when we talk about relationship positively, we invoke the universal Consciousness to move the material universe for us. Then we get opportunities for repairing our strained relationship with spouse, friend, and colleague; we get opportunities for expressing and receiving love in relation to others, and so on.
Traditional Manifestation Methods like Visualization, Affirmation and Feeling supplemented by Consciousness Manifestation Methods like Direct Consciousness Discrimination, Expanded Consciousness Meditation and Divine Love Yoga play a big role in increasing the positivity and decreasing the negativity of our creative desires, thoughts and words.

Just because I am incapable of perceiving this universal Consciousness, I cannot issue a general postulate that non-physical desires, thoughts and words have no role to play in the manifestation of physical events and circumstances.

Myth: All my thoughts are creative, and so, I should never think negatively of anyone or anything. I should not watch movies featuring poverty, strained relationship or illness. I should not read articles that criticize the views of others.

Fact: Only when our heart joins our mind, our thoughts develop significant potential for manifestation in our physical reality. Our negative thoughts can be, for all practical purposes, labelled as negative only when we think them passionately adding a strong flavor of emotion. Otherwise they lack manifestation potential.

If you think that what your colleague did is wrong for a few minutes or even hours, that thought would pass away without manifesting anything in your reality. However, if you spend a sleepless night brooding over what your colleague did, then definitely your thoughts are going to manifest something negative in your physical reality in the near future.

Myth: Traditional Manifestation Methods like Visualization, Affirmation and Feeling are sufficient to manifest my desires successfully.

Fact: There are two drawbacks associated with body-mind-heart based Traditional Manifestation Methods.
Visualization is a powerful method to define our desire in graphic detail. Affirmation is a powerful method to erase those beliefs that work against the manifestation of our particular desire and to instil those beliefs that work for the manifestation of our particular desire. Feeling is a powerful method to accelerate the manifestation of our desire. All these methods manipulate the faith of our heart because it is the faith of our heart that is manifested in our physical reality.

The implementation of all these three Traditional Manifestation Methods is mind based. Their implementation is designed and customized by our mind to suit the requirement of manifestation of a specific desire. In other words, we manipulate our heart using our mind. But the knowledge of our mind is quite limited as compared to the wisdom of our heart. Therefore, Traditional Manifestation Methods are always inaccurate. This is the first drawback.
Traditional Manifestation Methods focus on the creation of positive faith in our heart related to a particular aspect of our life. However, we generate Negative Energy by means of our passionate emotional desires, thoughts and words of negativity related to various aspects of life like health, wealth and relationship in our family, social and professional transactions. All these aspects of our life are interconnected. Therefore, this Negative Energy we generate impacts the faith of our heart related to the manifestation of our particular desire. Usually the quantum of this spontaneously generated generic negativity far exceeds that of the particular positivity we deliberately generate using Traditional Manifestation Methods. This is the second drawback.
These two drawbacks can be nullified if the Traditional Manifestation Methods are supplemented by Consciousness Manifestation Methods like Direct Consciousness Discrimination, Expanded Consciousness Meditation and Divine Love Yoga.
The wisdom and power of universal Consciousness that resides within our body, mind and heart are far superior to those of our heart or our mind as the universal Consciousness is omniscient and omnipotent. It also controls the functioning of our heart, mind and body.

If we merge our Consciousness with universal Consciousness using these three Consciousness Manifestation Methods, then our passionate emotional desires, thoughts and words of negativity related to various aspects of life like health, wealth and relationship in our family, social and professional transactions will be controlled. Not only that - our manifestation efforts using Traditional Manifestation Methods like Visualization, Affirmation and Feeling will also be suitably fine-tuned so that manifestation will be rendered more effective.

I have explained, in adequate detail, the Traditional Manifestation Methods of Visualization, Affirmation and Feeling, and Consciousness Manifestation Methods of Direct Consciousness Discrimination, Expanded Consciousness Meditation and Divine Love Yoga in my book SECRETS OF MANIFESTATION.

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